BLAST databases
The following sequence databases can be searched HERE using BLAST+.
- Alvinella pomepjana Transcripts
All contigs from a velvet/oases/cap3 assembly of
Illumina, Sanger and Roche 454 Alvinella
pompejana sequences from Holder et al. and
all ESTs available in NCBI as of April 2011.
Contains 97,285 sequences.
Reference: Holder et al, 2013
- Alvinella pompejana Predicted Proteins
All predicted Alvinella pompejana proteins (>60
amino acids) derived from the Alvinella
pompejana Transcripts dataset using ESTSCAN.
Contains 42,665 sequences.
Reference: Holder et al, 2013
- Alvinella pompejana MPI ESTs
Alvinella pompejana EST sequences from the MPI
EST collection. The library was cloned in pENTR222.1 and
sequenced with the M13-FP primer. Base calling and
vector trimming were done with Phred and
Contains 10,063 sequences.
Reference: Holder et al, 2013
- Platynereis_dumerilii MPI ESTs
Platynereis dumerilii EST sequences from the
MPI EST collection. The library was cloned in
pCMV-Sport6 and sequenced with the SP6 primer. Base
calling and vector trimming were done with Phred and
Contains 83,425 sequences.
- Platynereis dumerilii transcriptome assembly version 1
- Transcriptome assembly version 1 of Platynereis dumerilii. The assembly was done with clc and cap3. Each sequence is annotated with its best hit in the SwissProt database. Sequences shorter than 200 nucleotides were removed.
Contains 351,625 sequences.
Reference: Conzelmann et al., 2013
- Platynereis dumerilii transcriptome assembly version 2
- Transcriptome assembly version 2 of Platynereis dumerilii. The assembly was done with trinity and cap3. Each sequence is annotated with its best hit in the SwissProt database.
Contains 611,345 sequences.
Reference: unpublished
Reference: Mutemi at al. 2024
Reference: Mutemi at al. 2024
- Holder T, Basquin C, Ebert J, Randel N, Jollivet D,
Conti E, Jékely G & Bono F (2013) Deep
transcriptome-sequencing and proteome analysis of the
hydrothermal vent annelid Alvinella pompejana identifies
the CvP-bias as a measure of eukaryotic
thermostability. BMC Genomics 8, 2. [Article]
- Conzelmann M, Williams EA, Krug K, Franz-Wachtel M, Macek M & Jékely G (2013) The neuropeptide complement of the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. BMC Genomics 14, 906. [Article]
- Mutemi KN, Simakov O, Pan L, Santangeli L, Null R, Handberg-Thorsager M, Cossermelli Vellutini B, Larsson T, Savage E, Osuna Lopez M, Hercog R, Provaznik J, Ordoñez-Rueda D, Azevedo N, Gazave E, Vervoort M, Tomancak P, Tan W, Winkler S, Benes V, Hui J, Helm C, Özpolat BD, Arendt D (2024) A genome resource for the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. bioRxiv 2024.06.21.600153. [Article]